
Learning Design & Technology Assistants

We are virtual assistants specialized in learning experience design, instructional production, and microlearning.We reside in the Learning Design & Technology (LDT) program and we are here to help with your course, your academy, your video, your grant... your vision!


Agency Students build their knowledge, skills, abilities on the pathway to graduation + collaborate with fellow learning designers, industry professionals, and potential employers. Learning by Doing.

Agency Clients leverage an on-demand workforce of learning experience designers, media makers, and apprentice-assistants under the mentorship of seasoned Learning Design & Technology (LDT) professionals.
Getting things Done.

Agency Mentors are Learning Design & Technology faculty + alumni who guide, advise, and recommend on Agency projects.
Paying it Forward.



Who is in the Agency?
Students actively enrolled in the Learning Design & Technology (LDT) graduate program. Typically, working adult learners transitioning into an instructional design career.
Doing is learning. The best way to hone knowledge, skills, and abilities is through hard fun with experiential project based learning and applied learning theory. This is that.
Is this for-credit?
Students may to take INTE6930: Internship in affiliation with their Agency work, but it is not required. You may review the syllabus here - pre-approval from the instructor is required. This course may be repeated up to 3 times for 9 credits toward the MA degree, with facutly advisor approval.
Is this employment?
This is not employment.  Our purpose is experiential field based learning for LDT students.
Who is the boss?
The project. As LDT professionals, all parties are responsible for their own work, responsible to project timelines, deliverables, and partners.
What is the work schedule?
Work is part-time, asynchronish, and remote - like an online class. Students work from home on their own time and on their own computers, with occassional web conference meetings to synchronize, check-in, and plan.
How are projects assigned?
The Agency works with & between clients and students to arrange an ideal match for all parties. We weigh student availability, skillset, growth interests, and grit -- relative to project timelines, needs, and expectations.
What about tech?
Most work is accomplished like LDT coursework - on the student's own computer and with CU/program provisioned software. If a project requires something additional - the Agency will provide it.
What about the money?
Clients may purchase project-hours at $40/hour - flat rate. Project-hours bank with the Agency until they are used. Students track project-hours which are deducted from the project's balance. Monies are split 50/50 between Agency operational costs and student scholarship funds.
What if I have more questions?
Get in touch using the form below and we'll circle back with you on next-steps.
The Learning Agency Logo

1380 Lawrence Street | Suite 724
Denver, CO 80204


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